First In First Out (FIFO)
22. April 2024
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23. May 2024


In today’s fast-paced business world, where customers have more choices than ever and expectations for fast and accurate deliveries are constantly rising, delivery reliability has become a critical success factor. It is not only a measure of the reliability and efficiency of supply chains, but also plays a key role in ensuring customer satisfaction. High delivery reliability signals to customers that they can rely on a company, strengthens trust and promotes long-term customer relationships. At a time when on-time delivery and accuracy can make the difference between success and failure in a competitive environment, it is clear that optimizing on-time delivery is not only a logistical imperative for companies, but also a strategic one.

What is delivery reliability?

Delivery reliability is an important KPI in logistics and supply chain management that indicates how reliably and punctually a company or supplier fulfills its delivery obligations to customers. It measures the percentage of deliveries that reach the customer within the promised timeframe and is therefore a direct indicator of the reliability and efficiency of supply chains. High delivery reliability contributes significantly to customer satisfaction and strengthens trust in the supplying company. It plays a decisive role in creating a positive customer perception and can serve as a competitive advantage.

Calculating delivery reliability

The calculation of delivery reliability is based on a simple formula: The number of orders delivered on time is divided by the total number of orders in a given period and the result is then expressed as a percentage. Mathematically, this can be represented as follows

\[ \text{delivery reliability (\%)} = \left( \frac{\text{number of on-time deliveries}}{\text{total number of deliveries}} \right) \times 100 \]

Two main parameters are therefore required to determine this key figure: the total number of deliveries made and the number of deliveries made within the delivery period requested by the customer or agreed in advance.

Calculating delivery reliability: A practical guide

To effectively calculate and utilize delivery reliability, companies should take the following step-by-step approach:

Data collection: collect data on all deliveries within a specified time period, including scheduled and actual delivery dates.
Analyze timeliness: Determine for each delivery whether it was made within the promised time window. This can be done automatically via an ERP system or manually.
Calculate the KPI: Use the above formula to determine the percentage of on-time deliveries.
Evaluation and adjustment: Analyze the results, identify patterns or problems in the supply chain that lead to delays and take targeted measures to improve.

This process-oriented approach not only helps to calculate delivery reliability, but also to continuously monitor and optimize delivery processes, leading to improved customer satisfaction and more efficient supply chain management.

Understanding and applying delivery reliability

Delivery reliability is an indispensable indicator of supply chain performance. Not only does it provide insight into the reliability of a company’s delivery processes, but it also serves as a benchmark for assessing customer satisfaction. In today’s business world, where fast and accurate deliveries are increasingly becoming the norm, the ability to meet customer commitments on time is critical to building and maintaining customer trust. By analyzing this metric, companies can identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies within their supply chain and take targeted action to optimize processes. By continuously monitoring and optimizing delivery reliability, companies can increase their operational efficiency, improve customer satisfaction and secure a competitive advantage. When used effectively, delivery reliability becomes a central element of strategic planning and quality management.

Delivery reliability vs. delivery capability

Although often mentioned in the same breath, delivery reliability and delivery capability refer to different aspects of delivery performance. Delivery reliability measures the punctuality of deliveries, i.e. the extent to which delivery deadlines are met, while delivery capability aims to assess the availability and ability of a company to meet the demand for its products or services. In short, delivery reliability refers to when products are delivered and delivery capability refers to whether and to what extent customer requirements can be met.

Both key figures are closely linked and are important for the effectiveness of the supply chain. A high delivery capability combined with low delivery reliability can indicate problems in the delivery process, such as inefficient logistics or a lack of coordination. Conversely, high delivery reliability with limited delivery capability may indicate inventory or production bottlenecks. It is therefore important for companies to keep an eye on both metrics to gain a comprehensive understanding of their supply chain performance and ensure both the efficiency of their processes and the satisfaction of their customers. By developing strategies that address both delivery reliability and delivery capability, companies can optimize their supply chain and provide excellent customer service.

How can delivery reliability be measured?

Measuring delivery reliability requires a systematic approach that involves both collecting relevant data and analyzing it. The following steps are essential for accurate measurement of delivery reliability:

Determine the measurement period: select a specific time period for which you want to measure delivery reliability. This can be a month, a quarter or a year, depending on your needs.
Data collection: Record all relevant data on your deliveries within the specified period. This includes the planned delivery date (requested or agreed by the customer) and the actual delivery date.
Analyze the data: For each delivery, determine whether it was made within the promised time window. This forms the basis for calculating delivery reliability.
Calculation: Use the standard formula for calculating delivery reliability by dividing the number of on-time deliveries by the total number of deliveries and expressing the result as a percentage.
Use of tools: Various tools and techniques can be used for efficient data collection and analysis, such as spreadsheets, specialized supply chain management software or integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems that can generate automated delivery reliability reports.
The role of technology in measuring delivery performance

Advances in technology have greatly simplified and improved the measurement and analysis of delivery performance. Modern ERP systems and supply chain management software offer integrated delivery performance monitoring capabilities. These systems facilitate the automatic capture of delivery data directly from the ordering and shipping process, minimizing human error and providing real-time information.

In addition, advanced analytics tools enable companies to gain deeper insights into their supply chains by identifying patterns and trends that lie behind the numbers. Business intelligence (BI) platforms can help identify the root causes of delivery delays and perform predictive analytics to proactively address potential problem areas.

The use of AI and machine learning offers additional potential for optimizing delivery reliability. These technologies can analyze large amounts of data to make predictions about supply bottlenecks and provide recommendations to improve processes. By integrating such systems into the supply chain, companies can not only improve the accuracy of their delivery reliability measurements, but also make strategic decisions to continuously optimize their delivery performance.

Strategies to improve delivery performance

There are numerous proven strategies to improve delivery reliability and thus increase customer satisfaction and efficiency within the company. These range from internal process optimization and the use of modern technologies to strengthening communication with suppliers. A key element is the analysis and optimization of internal processes in order to identify and eliminate bottlenecks. This includes efficient inventory management, precise production planning and well thought-out logistics.

The use of technology also plays a crucial role. Modern ERP systems and supply chain management software can help automate processes, provide real-time data and promote informed decision-making. In addition, close cooperation and transparent communication with suppliers is essential in order to identify potential supply bottlenecks at an early stage and develop joint solution strategies.

Flexibility within the supply chain is another important factor. Companies should be able to react quickly to changes, for example by building up safety stocks or diversifying their supply chains.

Case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of these strategies. For example, a fictitious company in the electronics industry was able to significantly improve its delivery reliability by implementing an advanced ERP system. Automated data analysis made it possible to predict delivery delays and take proactive countermeasures. Another example is a fashion retailer that was able to improve its responsiveness to market fluctuations through closer partnerships with its suppliers and the introduction of more flexible supply agreements.

To sustainably increase delivery reliability, it is also important that companies continuously invest in improving their processes and technologies and recognize the importance of a strong supplier relationship. They should conduct regular supply chain assessments to identify potential weaknesses and adjust accordingly. It is also advisable to invest in training for employees to create a deep understanding of the importance of supplier loyalty in customer service.

The successful implementation of these strategies requires commitment and a willingness to continuously question and optimize existing processes. In the long term, companies can not only improve their delivery reliability, but also build a more robust and customer-centric supply chain that differentiates them from the competition and secures their market share.


The importance of high delivery reliability to a company’s success cannot be overemphasized. In a world where customers have increasingly high expectations of speed and reliability of delivery, the ability to deliver products on time becomes a key competitive advantage. Strong delivery reliability not only signals to customers that they can rely on your company, but also reinforces brand image and encourages customer loyalty.

As delivery reliability increases, other key performance indicators such as customer satisfaction and the efficiency of internal processes also tend to improve. This leads to a stronger market position and can form the basis for sustainable growth and success. In addition, focused work on delivery reliability helps to reduce costs by identifying and optimizing inefficient processes, which in turn increases profitability.

Companies that treat delivery reliability as a key priority in their strategic planning are thus optimally positioned to effectively meet the challenges of today’s market and exceed their customers’ expectations. They recognize that their customers’ satisfaction is directly linked to the company’s ability to deliver on its promises. In this sense, a continuous commitment to improving on-time delivery is not just a matter of logistical efficiency, but an essential part of the company’s culture that reflects its appreciation of its customers.

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