Lufapak makes Amazon FBA cheaper – reduce costs & ship faster

Hard to believe but true – do the product & shipping preparation with us for Amazon FBA = Fulfillment by Amazon

Sell through Amazon? Use our pre FBA service as an intermediary warehouse and save expensive fees, effort and nerves with our all-round service for FBA shipping

No problem, because Lufapak offers the complete pre-Amazon fulfillment (FBA) from storage to labeling according to Amazon guidelines to transport to your customer. All this even cheaper and more flexible than Amazon itself.

Use the time to drive sales of your products and optimize customer service.

Ship from your main warehouse at Lufpak directly to the end customer as well as to Amazon centers. Prime sales and Prime shipping can also be done through Lufapak at a low cost and according to Amazon specifications. Amazon returns also run smoothly through Lufapak.

Delivery condition requirements are fully met according to Amazon guidelines.

Your personal consultant around Lufapak Fulfillment
30 Jahre Lufapak Fulfillment Anbieter EFulfillment Ecommerce Fulfillment Online Shops Kitting, Binning, Montge

Request a quote for cheaper pre-FBA now!

    Name der Firma:




    Anzahl der verschiedenen Artikelnummern für dieses Projekt:

    Handelt es sich auch um Gefahrgut?

    Kurze Beschreibung der Produkte:

    Lagerplätze - Achtung! Einlagerung erfolgt sortenrein

    Anzahl Binning Lagerplätze (Regalfächer) 40x30x30 cm (LxBxH)

    Anzahl Paletten Lagerplätze 120x80x110 cm (LxBxH)

    Ja, meine Waren sollen (auch) an Amazon FBA gesendet oder bei Verkäufen über Amazon versendet werden.

    Amazon FBAAmazon VendorASIN anbringen

    Amazon Paid FreightVendor Paid Freight

    CSV TemplatesDreamRobotShopifySonstige (Nutzung/Anbindung von Shopsystemen oder Marktplätzen, bitte unten mit angeben:)

    Hiermit stimme ich zu, dass meine personenbezogenen Daten, welche ich in diesem Kontaktformular ausgefüllt habe bei ihnen erhoben und verarbeitet werden.
    Datenschutzbelehrung und Widerrufsrecht

    We can provide you with the entire Amazon FBA processing including returns management at more favorable terms.


    Amazon Fulfillment FBA

    Let us advise you without any obligation and use the service around warehouse, dispatch and logistics     +49 2631/384-0     Contactform


      We ask for your understanding that we can not issue individual prices or price lists as our activity prices are based on your quantities. We calculate each request individually based on these values, which you can transfer to us via questionnaire at questionnaire. We therefore ask you to refrain from sending us pure price inquiries via email.

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